-Debra Van Alfen
-Amanda Ashby
-Lexie Millett
Is all this hustle even worth it?
I’m determined to reach all my goals, but is there a better way to get there?
When does it get to be my turn?
I should be further along than I am, in all areas of my life
Why do I feel empty even when I reach my goals?
There’s got to be an easier way to do this
Can I get what want even if I’m not perfect at it?
You’ve been told to “crush” it and “kill” it and “grind it out.”
So you do.
And you’re a machine!
But you WANT to be a WOMAN.
A woman who leads with her feminine and lives life on HER terms, with time to relax and enjoy her results, because she knows how to lead with her feminine energy and let her masculine energy support.
Let’s spend a few days together changing your future by changing your present, so you can rinse and repeat the success formula in every area of your life, and redirect your destiny.